NO Hassle. NO Up-sell. NO Worries!
$1k USD Yearly or $2k USD LIFETIME paying with Cryptocurrency.
Email for a unique Bitcoin/Ethereum Wallet Address if you’d like to SAVE 10% on the below pricing! Bitcoin and Ethereum are very easy to use and obtain through exchanges like or Coinbase, which are licensed and regulated Crypto Currency Exchanges.
I am not a professional handicapper and do NOT bet these picks myself. The GOAL of both (for smaller players) and (for High Rollers) is to HELP AID you in changing your betting mindset, using LAW OF ATTRACTION type methods throughout the Year. With this service you should expect to LOSE LESS (at the very least) then you currently do now, that’s what I hope the WORST CASE Scenario winds up being for ALL my customers! But let me be VERY CLEAR HERE… You do NOT, I repeat do NOT need me,, or ANYONE ELSE to be successful on your own. I have received a lot of emails from smaller players who have implemented some of the T.F.I.O. Golden Rules into their own daily routine with GREAT Success. So if you still can NOT afford to purchase picks from or Just use these Golden Rules yourself and see if it helps, my guess? It will !!!
Stay Positive Everybody, and Remember….
We want you to WIN, even if it’s not with us!
So basically the T.F.I.O. Golden Rules will also be the blueprint for moving forward, just on a smaller scale. I will be adding and tweaking the website as we move forward, but to start…
STEP #1: Get a piece of paper & pen/pencil ready. Then think about what your normal AVERAGE wager amount is per game RIGHT NOW and write that number down on a piece of paper. Did you write it down? OK now really write it down. Alright first thing you’re going to do is cut that number by 50% and it’s NOT to exceed $1,000 USD. So for example your AVERAGE WAGER number was a hypothetical $2k per bet, your new wager amount per pick is to be a hypothetical $1k per bet, with 10% MAX of this number (which would be $100 for this example) is to be the wager amount for ANY OTHER picks you wager on throughout the week.
STEP #2: Try to do at least ONE Good Deed per day. Doesn’t have to be BIG either as we’re looking to do everything here at on a smaller scale. I do have a smaller player who is a long time T.F.I.O. Private eConsultant, and he eats fast-food A LOT cause he’s constantly on the road for work. Well he simply pays for the persons order that’s behind him in the drive through whenever the opportunity presents itself. On average it’s like $7 he says, but just something small like that can do wonders for what happens the rest of your day. So look for opportunities to do some good deeds for people who aren’t expecting it is the goal here.
I’ll do my best or at least TRY to help when I can:
If you’re looking to start an online venture or want to run an idea by me, I can help. I have branded, built, and optimized site myself and built, branded, and optimized many other websites online. I know all the online marketing & search engine techniques needed to be successful online as you personally know from your own experience, as you are now HERE at one of my sites, thinking about or actually purchasing. Helping others, building & branding website presences, and sharing my “positive thinking” experiences with other people has always been my true passion in life, second only to my family’s well being & happiness. I have always been one of those people who gets more out of doing for others, then doing for myself and that’s the truth. Some people think I’m crazy as I have often put my own online projects on hold for months to help others accomplish their own goals, but my response is and has always been the same. “IT ALL COMES BACK TEN FOLD, ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL”. Some people might think well that’s why you do for other of hopes for a return, but it’s literally not a hope, it’s a faith I have had my entire life and I simply live by that faith. I know for 100% certainty that there is something much greater then all of us out there, and if you look up at the night sky and truly listen to your heart & conscience you know it too. So I truly try to make all aspects of my life & others lives better EVERY DAY, and if I’m totally wrong about there being a force much greater then all of us? WHICH I’M NOT BY THE WAY : – ) Is this a bad way to live your life? Not in my mind. So enjoy the rest of your life, and live it to the fullest. I wish you nothing but the best and always will!
What I EXPECT from ALL My Customers !!!
- I expect customers to refer others to if you deem us worthy.
- I expect customers to DO THE RIGHT THING! So PLEASE NO Sharing (Stealing). Do NOT resell the picks and expect to WIN, Do NOT form a “Buy Group” and expect to WIN! Let others sign up JUST AS EVERYONE ELSE HAD TO! This service will only be successful if the people using the service actually FOLLOW THE LAW OF ATTRACTION with no malicious intent. If you see others posting or forming buy groups in other forums? Report them to the forum admins. NO GOOD can ever come from stealing, it’s just that simple!
- HAVE FUN! Whether we WIN 5 Picks in a Row or Lose 5 Picks in a Row in any given week, keep a positive attitude. AS my LONG TIME Customers of T.F.I.O. know first hand. I have had record winning streaks, followed by record losing ones, and vice versa. But if you’re following the “Golden Rules” properly? Your total amount being wagered and overall amount being wagered in a day is significantly less then normal, so at the VERY LEAST your attitude should be something like “Well that week could have been a lot worse”. Again my goal here is to change your entire mindset when it comes to “gambling”, and to do better things daily with the money you were going to “gamble” with. That’s it!